Preparing your event:

Checklist for your event:

  • Which languages will be spoken at the event?
  • Who requires interpretation? How many headphones do I need as a result? How many interpreter booths do I need? (Rule of thumb: the number of languages minus one equals the number of interpreter booths, e.g.: four languages = three booths)
  • Where will my event take place: does the room that I intend to book offer sufficient space for interpreter booths?
  • What materials can I make available to the interpreters to enable them to prepare?
  • How can I ensure that the speakers at my conference submit their manuscripts and speeches enough in advance to allow the interpreters to become fully familiar with the topic?

You’re planning an event with an international audience and need professional interpretation.

There are important elements you need to consider so that your event becomes a success.

We are accustomed to working on different topics every single day and having to quickly acquaint ourselves with a new subject. Providing us in advance with appropriate preparatory materials and information will help to ensure that the communication across multiple languages flows smoothly.

Imagine that you are an interpreter and are assigned to interpret on the subject of ‘Human Rights Violations in South Sudan’ on Monday. On Tuesday, you have a symposium on the subject of ‘Medium-Voltage Vacuum Switches’. On Wednesday, you’re booked to interpret at a hearing on the subject of the ‘EU Plant Protection Regulation’. And on Friday evening of the same week, you’ve been asked to interpret on a literary reading followed by a discussion involving the author.

Such a schedule is only possible if the interpreters receive sufficient preparatory material in good time. In addition to the agenda and a list of participants, this would include PowerPoint presentations, studies, moderator cards as well as Internet links relating to the subject, background texts and newspaper articles, along with films and videos, where applicable. Any prepared text must be provided to the interpreters in advance.

Please contact us for high-quality translation and interpreting services if you need an interpreter in Berlin, Germany, or internationally.

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+49 (0)30 47 37 87 08